Web Access
Outlook Web Access
Microsoft Outlook
Create a Microsoft Exchange account to access your office e-mail using Outlook.
- Use your e-mail address and Office 365 password to set up the account.
- A VPN connection is not required.
iPhone, Smartphone, iPad and Tablet E-mail Access
Set up an Exchange ActiveSync account to access your office e-mail on your phone or tablet. The settings required are:
- E-mail address: (your full e-mail address)
- Password: (your Office 365 password)
If this information is not sufficient you may also need the following:
- Server address
- Domain
- Username: (your full e-mail address)
This information is obtainable from your IT Manager or via the office Intranet.
VPN Access
Create a VPN (virtual private network) connection to access files on the HNW network.
First Time Setup - Install and Configure Windows NetExtender Client with details obtained from IT Manager or via the office intranet.
Updated: 22nd January 2018